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Know your PSMA status

If it’s the first time you’re receiving the test, it’s normal to have questions about a PSMA-PET scan. Watch the video below to find out more.

Follow the steps below to discover your PSMA status

Icon of a patient asking a doctor a question

1. Ask your doctor if you’re PSMA+

If you find out your advanced prostate cancer has spread, ask about your PSMA status, especially if you've been on other treatments.

Your doctor can order a PSMA-PET scan to find this out.

Icon of a patient standing next to a PET scan machine

2. Know what to expect during a PSMA-PET scan

A PSMA-PET scan is an imaging test your doctor uses to see if you're PSMA+. Before the scan, you get an injection. This helps the PET scan identify PSMA on your cells.

Even if you’ve had a PSMA-PET scan in the past that was negative, your status may have changed.

Icon of a glass of water.

3. Stay hydrated before and after your PSMA-PET scan

Make sure you drink water when you get a PSMA-PET scan. Staying hydrated is important during this process.

Follow your doctor’s instructions about receiving the scan.

Icon of two markers on a journey

4. Understand what’s next

If you are PSMA+, it could change the conversations you and your doctor have about your future prostate cancer journey. That is worth asking for help. 

PET, positron emission tomography; PSMA, prostate-specific membrane antigen; PSMA+, PSMA positive.